Written by on October 19, 2023

As fans we get to watch our favorite teams when we get to the stadium. Other than the occasional fan standing up in front of us we get to see the game unhindered. Imagine being a fan that has your back to the game most of the time. People don’t realize that most cheerleaders in the NFL are local workers and fans of their respective team. They spend a majority of the game leading cheers, doing dance routines, trying to get the crowd pumped up, and sometimes getting run into by players flying off the field. They have their back to the field a good amount of time or their view is blocked by everything else going on the sidelines so they sometimes don’t get to see the play they’re cheering about. In this case though the Vikings mic’d up one of their cheerleaders and fans are equating her reaction to their own. It’s one of those “she is all of us” moments.

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