Written by on February 22, 2024

For the past few years, the city of Kyle, Texas has been trying to break a record by assembling an ARMY OF KYLES all in one spot. They have needed more than 2,325 Kyles to break the world record for “largest gathering of people with the same first name.”  The current record was set in 2017 when 2,325 Ivans got together in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Kyles have failed so far . . . so now RYANS are trying their hand at it. There’s an open call for anyone with the first name Ryan to attend a “Ryan Rodeo” meet-up in Austin, Texas.  It’s a bit short notice . . . it’s happening this Saturday . . . and it does have to be spelled R-Y-A-N.  And there will be no tomfoolery.  You will have to show official identification. No word on if any famous Ryan will show up, but they can always hope.

They also note that BRYANS are “not wanted.”  The group’s website explains, quote, “Bryans are just B-list Ryans.” The Ryan Rodeo will feature music by local artist Ryan Hunter and a bull-riding competition. Would you go to a gathering of just your name people?

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