Written by on June 3, 2024

At this time of year the turtles are moving around quite a bit. Driving home now I see them on the road regularly and do my best to not hit them. There is a variety of big and small turtles between box and painted turtles and snapping turtles. If you can safely get one off the road then please give it a try. Besides the traffic the turtles themselves can be a hazard if they decide to bite you. Yes, even the small ones can bite, but it isn’t to the magnitude of a snapper. I’ve heard plenty of stories around snapping turtles where folks have gotten some nasty wounds. The woman in this video didn’t get the memo about staying a safe distance away from snappers and definitely don’t try to PET one. She’s the kind of person that approaches a buffalo in the wild I’ll bet. She put up a second video of her bite mark.


Replying to @Troy Day 1 of my super villain origin story

♬ Are You Ready – Deejay Meddy

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