TRENDING NOW: What were we googling in March 2020

Written by on March 18, 2025

Five years ago, the COVID stay-at-home stuff was just starting up.  So Google looked back at some of the top searches from that first crazy month.  Here’s a quick look at what we were googling in March 2020 . . .

1.  “Face mask” searches were off the charts.  They were hard to come by for a while.  A lot of people made their own out of cloth.

2.  Everyone was learning to make sourdough.  Searches for “sourdough bread” hit an all-time high in 2020, jumping 150% between March and April.  “DoubleTree cookie” was also a top search after Hilton shared the recipe.

3.  Virtual museum tours.  Parents were already struggling with their kids being home all day. It was the top-trending “virtual” search that March.

4.  We were all binge-watching “Tiger King”.  It hit Netflix on March 20th and became the top-trending TV show worldwide.

5.  Virtual workouts got big.  All the gyms were closed, and some of us wanted to exercise.  (Not me.  I was drinking.)

6.  “DIY” searches were trending.  We had more time on our hands for projects, and you couldn’t get anyone to come fix stuff.

7.  “Loungewear” became a top-trending search.  If we were stuck at home, we wanted to be comfortable.

8.  A ton of people bought standing desks.  But it turns out they might not be that good for you.  A study last fall found they don’t lower your risk for heart disease, and might UP your risk for blood-flow issues and varicose veins.

9.  Searches for “hand sanitizer” spiked.  There was a stretch when you couldn’t find it.  Jerks were stockpiling it in their garages and reselling it online.

10.  The top five “at home” searches in 2020 were:  “COVID tests at home” . . . “workouts at home” . . . “jobs at home” . . . “fun things at home” . . . and “Harry Potter at Home.”  (???)  It’s a feature launched that April to help out parents and teachers.

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