Author: admin
Page: 112
Have you ever been on a frozen lake or river, or maybe driven a vehicle on the ice? Beforehand, it’s a good idea to check the depth of the ice to make sure it’s safe and will support you or your vehicle and not fall through. A woman in Ottawa, Canada did NOT take that […]
Surprises are the best! Just ask my wife who loves it when I won’t tell her where we’re going or what we’re doing because I want it to be a surprise. What movie did I just put in? I won’t tell her! What noisy gift did I buy for a friend having a baby? She […]
Back when things were totally tubular, awesome, or gagged you with a spoon the world was a much simpler place to live. There was no social media unless you had call waiting or two way calling on you home phone. Text messaging was a folded piece of paper being passed around class. Those of us […]
The internet is full of things for you to try and/or challenge yourself. Some are stupid and I fully believe were started by dumb people just smart enough to get dumber people to participate (See: Tide pod challenge). Others are made to help bring awareness to a cause or to help raise funds for a […]
Have you ever been dared to eat or drink something? Whether it’s super spicy or maybe some exotic entree we’ve all had that moment of wondering whether or not we could stomach the food placed in front or us or whether we could tolerate the heat. Recently the Georgia Bulldogs won the National Championship in […]
Taken from the book of “Are You Serious Right Now?!” is a story and video from the NBA. Devin Booker of the Phoenix Suns is a pretty good player. He got to the free throw line the other night to try and put some easy points on the scoreboard. They were playing in Toronto taking […]
Lays is introducing a new chip with an interesting background and concept. They’ve been growing potatoes in dirt taken from NFL stadiums, and made a limited-edition chip called “Golden Grounds” with the tagline, “Grown in Glory.” They used dirt in 29 of the 32 NFL stadiums, with the exception of the Browns, Bengals and Broncos, […]
How many action movies have we seen since the the 1980s that have a dramatic rescue scene? At some point the hero narrowly escapes the death as they jump from a car that’s about to explode or they pull someone from the burning wreckage just as it falls from a cliff. Then there is always […]
Walker Hayes is a native of Alabama so seeing the Crimson Tide lose to the rival Georgia Bulldogs in college football’s National Championship game on Monday night had to sting. Even worse would be changing the lyrics to your own song to acknowledge the Georgia win. Hayes did just that as he lost a bet […]
Imagine you’re going for a nice afternoon of skiing. The powder is fresh and the runs are smooth. It’s a nice cold day on the slopes. As you ride up the lift thinking about carving your next run you hear people screaming not because they are having fun, but out of terror. It happened in […]