Author: admin
Page: 116
This weekend there was a certain movie that may have shattered a number of box office records with it’s arachnid themed superhero. In my avoid-all-spoilers-on-social-media mode ( because I couldn’t go see it this weekend) I delved into a movie that I think would have done pretty well in theaters too had it been released […]
Memes have become a part of everyday life on social media. Before the internet had pictures of our favorite moments in TV and cinema to share and then use as responses to posts we just quoted them out loud. There was never a wrong place or time for a well placed Ron Burgandy “Anchorman” quote […]
We’ve all heard the tragic story from Oxford, Michigan on November 30th. A young man took a gun to school and four people lost their lives and seven others were injured . These stories are never easy to see or read, but when it involves kids with so much life to live it seems to […]
Isn’t technology a wonderful thing? Our phones, tablets, computers and even televisions can do so many things, and that’s what we know. What about things that may be “hidden” or that we don’t know? If you have an iPhone, the Apple logo on the back just isn’t for branding purposes. It’s a secret button that […]
I came from a family of teachers. My grandmother on my dad’s side was a teacher, mom was a teacher, and so are my sisters. My daughter is currently in school for teaching. It’s kind of in the blood. At family events we at times talk about the struggles of teachers from how they struggle […]
Less than one week ago much of the Tri-State region was blanketed by a few inches of snow in some areas to as much as ten inches in parts of Winona county. Now, it’s on to a one-day spring fling! High temperatures on Wednesday are expected to push into the 50s and even 60s for […]
We have all been there staring at that one Christmas gift that we have at the top of our list as a kid. For me it was a yearly struggle to look through the toy catalogs and circle the gifts I wanted the most. I had many action figure based toys to choose from with […]
In the mid-west when things get cold there are 2 types of people: those that complain and those that put it to good use! We have so many activities we can do when the temperature makes your face hurt. From just going out sledding or skiing to snowmobiling and snowshoeing there is a lot of […]
Tornadoes in December are not that unusual in parts of the country under the right weather conditions. However, several, catastrophic tornadoes across multiple states is a rarity this time of the year. The storm that brought snow to the Tri-States on Friday was the same system responsible for the severe weather and tornado outbreak across […]