Author: admin

Page: 34

Remember Abby and Brittany Hensel, the conjoined twins?  They’re two separate people, but they share a torso, a bloodstream, and all organs below the waist. Abby controls the right arm and leg, and Brittany controls the left. Well, it turns out that Abby is MARRIED.  She got hitched to an Army vet named Josh Bowling back in […]

It sounds like something Homer Simpson would say as a joke. Over the years The Simpsons have made this joke whenever something is edible or remotely sounds like something you would eat and Homer would start to drool. I think even he would reject this idea. 7-Eleven – which is thankfully nowhere near here is […]

Nostalgia is a solid way to get people interested in a movie or show. Tapping back into an older generation’s memories is a great way to make them perk up to a project. We have had a slew of projects that are very familiar to Generation X and Millennial’s alike. A few years ago, we […]

It looks like something out of disaster movie. A ship in Baltimore strikes the Francis Scott Key Bridge and sends it toppling. It is absolutely horrible to see in the darkness lit up only by the harbor lights. It is surreal. Unfortunately, several people lost their lives and several more were injured. We keep our […]

Winning tickets to a special event or festival is nice. Winning tickets to a night at the racetrack is nice. Winning concert tickets is nice. Winning tickets to all of those things is EPIC! If you win the KQ98 Country Kahuna you’ll be going to everything we can get our hands on! YES, EVERYTHING! Last […]

“Shave and a haircut, two bits!” That’s the official lyrics to the iconic secret knock we all know. But how much do they charge for a nap? It must be free because this barber shop allowed one of their customers to sleep in their chair after his haircut for THREE HOURS! I have no idea […]

A lot of people wish they could vote for literally anybody else in the election this year.  Now they can . . . A 35-year-old math teacher in Dallas just announced he’s running for president . . . after changing his name to “Literally Anybody Else.”  First name, “Literally” . . . middle name, “Anybody” […]

Are you going to let this last shot of winter ruin your weekend? The weather wasn’t bad enough to shut anything down so get out and do something! There’s a few ways to get out of the house and see three different types of shows this weekend. Counter tops, cars, and Country Music can all […]

While we do wish Hollywood would come up with new ideas we also love when we get nostalgia. This weekend Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire kicks off taking us back to our youth of the 80s. Another 80s horror comedy is finally have its sequel … day-o. Beetlejuice made famous by Michael Keaton has a resurrection this […]

Tina Bechtel took a break from being the KQ98 Country Kahuna to tell us about her year. Tina came to the Time Out Tavern in LaCrescent and qualified and eventually won the big prize. She got tickets to everything we could get out hands on like Country Boom, Ashley For The Arts, The LaCrosse Speedway, […]

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