Author: admin
Page: 46
Another Tuesday, another concert announcement! Brantley Gilbert is coming to LaCrosse in March of 2024. Brantley has been through here before a few times including a performance at Oktoberfest. Brantley has his feet in the “rebel” side of country for sure and sings songs about being from the south and adds some rock to his […]
You ever watch an older movie or TV show with police in them? There was a time when it seemed like cops needed to throw up their badge (or not) and take a citizen’s vehicle in order to chase the bad guy. It became so common that it has been parodied several times now. You […]
As much as Artificial Intelligence should be used with caution and we should have concerns about people abusing it there are also helpful applications. Even Santa could use a hand this time of year and AI seems to be a legitimate way of helping him out. Since there are so many good boys and girls […]
The craft shows are slowing down and the shopping days are getting less and less. Maybe you need to do some more shopping or maybe you just need to do something with your family. Let’s see if we can find some ways to lessen the holiday stress and just hang out. Go somewhere that not […]
Every once in a while we see an older person performing on Tik Tok or other social media. Most of the time it’s a fun video of their birthday or other life moment and other they are teaming up with their grandchildren to make fun viral videos. In this case a woman in Iowa filmed […]
You can’t go a day or maybe even an hour in a day without hearing her name: Taylor Swift. When she hit the airwaves when she was still a teenager she became a sensation. Now as an adult she basically runs the world. She has an insane following of “Swifties” and they are keeping her […]
I wanted to make sure I got this list out in time for you to sit down and enjoy it leading up to Christmas. There aren’t many weekends in between, but Christmas does fall on a Monday so you can get a few week nights in that weekend you can finish it up just in […]
Country Boom 2024 is on it’s way July 11th-13th this summer and as always it is looking to be a great weekend! Several artists you know and some great up and comers will be there!
Do you even need to say her last name? Nope. She is a one name superstar and if you simply say “Dolly” everyone knows exactly who you’re talking about. She has been gracing the radio airwaves since the 1960’s with her debut album “Hello, I’m Dolly” which just seems to be the best way she […]