Author: admin

Page: 51

Walk Safely Costumes for a Safe Halloween Drive Extra Safely on Halloween

It’s not an old Toy ‘R Us or Payless Shoes. It’s just someone having fun in their own house! A family decided to portray a Spirit Halloween store in their home with the activation buttons even positioned on the floor. The kids are sweet, but the adult as Michael Myers from Halloween steals the show. […]

I’m amazed by the different ways that people find to self propel themselves across water. Water skiing and surfing are the first things to come to mind, but there is gliders, sails, and even self propelled boards that look like a skateboard. One way of doing it is using what is referred to as a […]

This weekend it looks to be chilly and rainy. Not a great combo for going to the apple orchard or getting lost in a corn maze. Inside might be a better plan unless the elements make the outdoor event better. I know, it’s a bit of a contradiction there but bare with me. I’ll share […]

“This is my boom stick!” “Give me some sugar, baby.” “Groovy.” If you or your weird friend that can’t stop talking about horror movies uses these on a regular basis, then you know the “Evil Dead” horror franchise started by director Sam Raimi. I was first exposed to it as a kid at a graduation […]

I’ll be the first to admit I hate getting caught in traffic. This video from Portland in June is absolutely ridiculous and frightening. A man upset by a parade closing the freeway exits drives through barriers and weaves his way through a busy parade route. He almost hits pedestrians including children! The police try to […]

As parents we go through rights of passage just like our kids. When they hit a life milestone we also hit one as an adult. For instance, their first steps become us watching our first child take their first steps. When they play a sport, pick up an instrument, go on a date, or graduate […]

As we all know this time of year is rife with haunted houses and spooky trail rides. Most are fundraisers for local charities. In Harmony, Minnesota the Fillmore Central school kids are running their own haunted house to help raise funds for programs at school. They do it while ranking as the best haunted house […]

There are many honors out there for people of all skills and talents. We know some as they are pretty much at the forefront due to them being a Hall of Fame for their respective area. One that many might not be aware of is the National Inventors Hall of Fame and I think the […]

One and done. That’s the saying this time of year when it comes to high school football. Wisconsin has already been a week into their post season run, but Minnesota starts this week. In this corner of the state it’s a big deal with almost every year having teams play in the State Tournament. Whether […]

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