Author: admin
Page: 54
Right now there are a number of young country artists that have their roots deep in more classic Country Music. You get more of a vibe from the Outlaw Country days of the 1970s and the touchstone of early 90s music that was a little more fun. Conner Smith is another one of those artists. […]
Something seems a bit “fowl” here. Police get called out for a wide collection of reasons from robberies and car chases to sometimes helping with animal rescues. People sometimes need to be rescued from animals and this is one of those times. Not a very dangerous situation though. Why? A woman just need them to […]
Bears are pretty much everywhere it seems. They are a beautiful animal and can appear to be as huggable as a dog. when you see them from a distance. However, historically they are not an animal you want to try to hug because they might eat you. Trying to get a close up shot of […]
Hollywood at times has a tendency to make some real-life situations over dramatic. In some cases, it is helpful to tell a story and in some in detracts from what the viewers can really glean from the story. That’s to say that it loses its heart. “Painkiller” on Netflix is dramatized to help tell the […]
Saturday morning I was on my porch enjoying the rain that my lawn desperate needed. There were several bolts of lightning nearby and loud cracks of thunder rumbling through the valley. It was fully relaxing and calming to be a part of. Just sitting and enjoying nature. There was a local bicyle rally in town […]
Imagine a new family moving into town and into your neighborhood. Around here we try to be friendly and go meet them and maybe bring some cookies or bars. We visit and let them know a few helpful tips about town and the neighborhood. What if you went to their home to introduce yourself and […]
So many people tell me how relaxing golf is and that it’s really fun. When I was younger I tried it at school and I literally couldn’t hit the ball 10 yards. I knew with my frustration level growing that I should not continue on as I would be more stressed than relaxed playing the […]
Superhero movies can be hit or miss depending on the character being portrayed and who is directing or producing the film. Marvel and Disney sit on top of the success levels. They had a formula put together and followed it while bringing in great talent and directors. They have had a few miscues but nothing […]
In what may be the most disturbing story I have ever read about a tragedy happened in Pennsylvania when a semi-truck was hit and tipped over. The driver suffered minor injuries, but the ice cream tragically didn’t make it. Several ice cream containers spilled out on the turnpike after the truck was hit in a […]
I understand how much an Apple Watch costs compared to any watch you buy over the counter. They are very helpful as well in tracking your health, texting, and keeping up on information. So helpful. I have a Fit Bit myself. However, there are moments that if I lost that watch I would consider it […]