Author: admin
Page: 60
It has been awhile since an American Idol made it to the big time and even longer since super-star status. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood are the benchmark that all singers that enter and leave the show shoot for. More often than not they quickly drift off into obscurity and are only remembered when you […]
There are volunteer services of all shapes and sizes in our area. Winona Volunteer Services takes volunteering in a unique direction. They review what their volunteers can do and put them in situations to be the most impactful to those they are helping. River Valley Remodelers and WinnMed are supporting their efforts to build a […]
There is no position in all of sports that is harder than playing quarterback. None. It is the only position in sports where you have to know what every player knows and what they are up to on the field. They get too much credit for wins and they get too much blame for losses. […]
Every year it seems we are treated to a new video of someone doing something they think is safe. They decide that the perfect picture for their Instagram is a close up of a wild animal. What usually happens is them going viral being in a video of that same animal chasing or attacking them. […]
Wedding days should be as special as they can hopefully be. There shouldn’t be anything that goes wrong and everyone should be there so that the day feels almost magical. Some folks don’t have it as easy as that. Some start out with a story of tragedy or sadness that can hopefully be overcome. This […]
Not everyone that could use a hand necessarily has a medical need or a housing emergency. There are other times that people could use a pick me up or help that most might not think about. That’s the mission of Ring and Run in Houston County. They give the funds they raise to individuals that […]
I am a lucky person in that my bladder is pretty strong. I almost never leave my seat at a Vikings game and I definitely never walk out to use the facilities when I go to a movie. I do my best to “go” just before I go in to the theater so I can […]
I’m having a bit of debate with myself over this clip: is it above and beyond customer service or good fun by both parties? This video has been out for a bit, but it is gaining traction lately. Apparently, the customer who had the Amazon package delivered had a note left for the driver. Not […]
IT’S SO HOT OUTSIDE!…. HOW HOT IS IT? ….. Jokes like this come and go with the seasons and your general responses change depending on what region of the country you’re in or maybe even which country you happen to be it. We’ve seen people do some fun and sometimes crazy experiments with the proper […]