Author: admin

Page: 72

March 27th, 2022 is a day that has become infamous in Hollywood lore. At the 94th Academy Awards the hot topic was Will Smith being up for the Oscar for Actor In A Lead Role for his portrayal of Richard Williams in “king Richard”. The night was a typical one for most awards shows of […]

Major League Baseball’s Opening Day is tomorrow! Millions of fans have been chomping at the bit waiting for this unofficial sign of Spring. The MLB has been in Spring Training for the last month getting everyone ready to go. It’s not just the players that need to get ready but also the mascots that help […]

We have all seen videos of car accidents that shock or horrify us. Some that make you wonder how someone survived and others that make you shake your head in disbelief over how dumb someone can be. This one is so crazy it borders on being almost impressive to a degree. Take a look and […]

Imagine being on a plane and hearing you have to return to the airport. It can send a shiver up your spine. When the announcement is for a medial emergency you may become worried for that person. When you find out the medical emergency is for the pilot that shiver comes back even stronger. It […]

The Gambler, Kenny Rogers passed away in 2020 at the age of 81 after having a career in music that most artists today merely dream of. Like his music or not he spanned decades and successfully toured for many years. He had a beautiful mansion in Alabama that most likely hosted some of biggest names […]

These are the kind of cool, feel good stories that give you a bit of hope. Corral Amayi lost her camera in a river in Colorado 13 years ago. Pictures of her graduation a bachelorette party, and the wedding all lost in the rapids of a cold river. She had lost all of her precious […]

In this day and age it is not uncommon to have something delivered to your home. More and more people choose to have things delivered rather than going to the store every day. You can even have food delivered now which can be a great convenience for those that have trouble with mobility for whatever […]

“Dad, I’m hungry. Hi Hungry, I’m dad!”, “Did you hear about the guy that wouldn’t cool people off? He wasn’t a fan.”, “Did you hear about the guy who got caught stealing a calendar?  He got TWELVE MONTHS.”  You can groan if you want, but “dad jokes” like that are actually GOOD for kids. Dad […]

Here’s a new trend:  Would you be more offended if you were driving to work and someone gave you the FINGER . . . or a THUMBS DOWN? Young people are supposedly ditching the bird, and giving drivers a thumbs down instead.  They claim it’s more effective. Someone talked to a bunch of Millennials and […]

Personally, I’m going to stick with my Yellow Lab, but times they are a changing. The American Kennel Club has released its list of the most popular dog breeds in the U.S. in 2022, based on registration statistics. The French Bulldog is #1 for the first time, dethroning the Labrador Retriever, which had been #1 […]

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