Author: admin

Page: 92

Whether you are a fan of Elvis Presley or not you know who “The King Of Rock n Roll” is. He was not just a singer, but a moment in pop music that spawned new styles, artists, and the first singer that was adored by various audiences. He was almost mythical in his performances and […]

Speaking with Maya Roberts about Neighbors In Action you can really tell how passionate she and her team are to live up to their mission: to connect older people to resources that improve their quality of life, help them age safely, and enable them to engage in their community. They strive to support older adults’ […]

The sea is full of amazing creatures. Due to the different temperatures and depths, it can make some very beautiful animals and some scary looking ones. The stories of sea monsters told hundreds of years ago may be based on something that people just haven’t seen before. Needless to say the recent catch and release […]

The 2022 Miss Minnesota pageant was held last Friday in Eden Prairie. The winner and crowned the 86th Miss Minnesota is 24-year old, Rachel Evangelisto, who was also Miss Winona this past year. Rachel participated in the pageant with twenty other women. According to her bio, in 2019, she graduated from the University of Minnesota, […]

This Summer has been ripe for major hit movies at the theaters. Most of them are sequels and some of them are spanning decades of time to bring you your favorite characters back to the big screen. We started the season with “Dr. Strange In the Multiverse of Madness” making a huge Marvel splash as […]

My one concern when going out hiking when we went up north was running into wildlife that didn’t want us in their woods. Now, I wasn’t nervous or terrified to go out there, but it was something we all should be aware of when heading out into nature. Bears are always the subject of people […]

Sawyer Brown was really the first “reality show” band to make it big. They dominated with their time on Star Search in 1983. The show had a mix of acts that competed within their own categories and tried to stay on the show as the champions for as long as they could. Sawyer Brown went […]

We get caught up in the athletic talent of players in professional sports all the time. Their ability to run, catch, jump, shoot, and hit are their general makeup. They show us what they can do physically, but a good number of them have other talents that we rarely see. Many athletes have forayed into […]

If you were lucky enough to grow up in a house where “part of this nutritious breakfast” was the legendary Pop-Tarts then you had a happy childhood. For me and my sisters, they were a treat on occasion and were usually eaten with a bowl of cereal with Saturday morning cartoons. The flavors were limited […]

Are you old enough to remember when search engines were a new thing? When there was literally too many to know where you should be looking for the best results? Remember Ask Jeeves, Ms. Dewey, Yippy, or Pimp My Search as search engines? Those have all gone the way of the Dodo bird and are […]

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