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Yes, Hollywood has a problem finding new ideas and we see that almost yearly. Movies are remade and TV shows are rebooted. Sequels are put out decades later. New spins are put on characters that no one asked for or are out right dismissed. Sometimes these remakes can be made with the right idea in […]
Motorcycle clubs are exactly that: a group of people who just enjoy driving motorcycles. In the 1960s that was a common thing to see. Just guys that rode their bikes and found comradery in each other’s company and talking about motorcycles. Sometimes they didn’t have the best intentions but were pretty harmless. Some groups consisted […]
“I’ll be your huckleberry.” … “You tell ’em I’m coming! And Hell’s coming with me!” … You know you’ve said it and thought you were super cool. Maybe you’ve said quotes from the hit 1993 movie Tombstone starring Kurt Russel and Val Kilmer when the situation called for it or just to be funny. Either […]
In the 1980s there were a slew of action films where the survival of the main character was based on how well they could survive a string of extreme instances. Most of them starred Arnold, Sly, Van Damme, or Norris showing off their skills or muscles. One of the more thought-provoking ones was The Running […]
Last year Netflix came out with a one-of-a-kind documentary that took the sports world by storm. Quarterback looked into the lives of NFL players at the most scrutinized position and how they dealt with their time on and off the field. The subjects of the series were a mix of stars and struggling players. Patrick […]
Game Of Thrones took the TV world by storm when HBO released it. The numerous characters and their stories became not only stories that a select few got to enjoy, but stories, sayings, and characters that have become part of the pop culture lexicon. It was a great series and made TV production companies have […]
For 24 years Hugh Jackman has played one of the most iconic characters in comic books and movie history: Wolverine. A surly yet lovable character whose heart is stronger than the claws that protrude from his knuckles. Ryan Reynolds has only been playing Deadpool for 8 years but has quickly solidified him as the superhero […]
Back in the 1940s a group of singers and actors that spent a good amount of time together on and off screen garnered the nickname of “The Rat Pack”. They were the epitome of cool and were suave at the height of their fame through most of the 1960s. Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and […]
Nostalgia is a big thing no matter how old you are. When we see something that reminds of “the good old days” it warms our hearts and makes us long for a time long gone. Movies and certain characters can have that affect when they presented properly. Recently, Ghostbusters and Top Gun brought us back […]
The 4th of July is the time to celebrate our freedom and independence. We usually celebrate with spending time at the lake or river or maybe out on some trails enjoying a ride. Food is a given with burgers and hot dogs being the most freedom inducing meal staples. However, if you’re spending the entire […]