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Sitting at most professional sporting events has it’s own unique perspective. Some places make you feel like you’re right in the action and some make you feel like you’re sitting so far away you might as well be at home. Football, basketball, and baseball get you pretty close to the action where you need to […]

Get to Schmitty’s Time Out Tavern in La Crescent to win Tickets to Walker Hayes’ Fancy Like Tour in St. Paul from KQ98

OK, it has been out for a couple weeks, so you have fair warning if I spoil anything for you. You’ve been warned twice. Over the years there have been characters that have had movies on top of movies made about them. James Bond is by far the top of the heap since they have […]

Every year in the NFL players get injured while performing on the field. Sometimes it’s just normal cuts and bruises that come from giant guys crashing into each other at high rates of speed. While other times it can be an injury that derails them for a season or maybe even their career. There are […]

Like most kids, when I was little I was OBSESSED with dinosaurs. I remember how excited I was to see the movie Jurassic Park when it came out in theaters back in 1993. They are still fascinating even as an adult. If you or your kids want to experience dinosaurs and the Jurassic World, there […]

There wasn’t much chance that the Vikings would win tonight’s game against the Green Bay Packers. Adam Thielen was put on injured reserve, Kirk Cousins was out after testing for Covid, and Michael Pearce was out due to illness as was Cam Dantzler. That goes without mentioning that the Vikings just haven’t played well this […]

Callista Clark is in a young and up and coming country singer. Being just 18 years old it makes her the youngest singer currently on the chart, but you wouldn’t necessarily know that by simply listening to her. Born and raised in Georgia she says that she’s been able to sing as long as she’s […]

Every sport has an all-star game of some sort where the best of all the athletes in their respective sport get together and play together. The NHL has something that’s better than a lazily played exhibition game where defense becomes non-existent: The Winter Classic. For the past 12 years they have played a hockey game […]

Let me be 100% transparent here: I do not like hot dogs. When I was a kid there was something in them that always made me sick and I have no idea what it was. Whether there was a gathering of friends in the valley, a 4-H cookout, or waterskiing and swimming at the river […]

When you live in the tri-states you know we have to deal with the ever changing weather. One day we are complaining about the heat and then within a few days we complain about it being too cold. We truly get all types of weather here while we avoid the yearly threat of hurricanes. So, […]

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