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KQ98 has teamed up with ORC Industries to give you the chance to win a pair of Redfeather Hike Snowshoes! ORC Industries is a not-for-profit manufacturing, logistics, and assembly company with locations in Arcadia, La Crosse and Westby, Wisconsin. Work is the way that people can make a difference, and, at ORC Industries, they are challenged by their […]
It’s over. Done! The season that we couldn’t wait for to be here to take our minds off of all the terrible stuff in the world became part of the terrible stuff going on. After last season it seemed like the Vikings and head coach Mike Zimmer could put a few pieces on place and […]
At 28 years old Parker McCollum is just starting to get known around the country music world. His song “Pretty Heart” just went to number one a few weeks ago which we’re sure made for a very Merry Christmas. The young man is talented to say the least. He started learning music in elementary school […]
“This will give folks a place to sit and just be outside, or have their lunch”, said Lee Walraven with the La Crosse Family YMCA. The Y has an outdoor area with a community garden called The Community Food Forest. Community members can come pick fruits and veggies and learn more on how to grow […]
Saw this story on the TODAY website, and was overwhelmed. This man put his own life at risk to save these animals’ lives! Wow, just wow. Tonight we thank our guardian angels. The homeless man that ran into our burning house and rescued our animals. The… Posted by W-Underdogs on Friday, December 18, 2020 Update: We […]
It was 30 Years ago today When George Strait had the Number 1 Country song in America to end the Year. ” I’ve come to expect it from You”. 19 years before that George enlisted in the US Army in 1971, not Every Guy did that in ’71. George was assigned to the Infantry and […]
Ok, so the Christmas Star was a total bust for us here because it was super cloudy. Let’s hope tonight we get to see the Full Cold Moon! What’s a Cold Moon you ask? It happens to be the last Full Moon of 2020 and, as long as it’s fairly clear tonight, you should be […]
Bauer’s Market and garden Center brings Us today’s 7AM pledge of Allegiance with DUKE. It is National Hero Day. On December 29th, way back in 1862, during the Civil War , Colonel James A. Williamson of the Iowa 4th infantry won the Congressional Medal of Honor. Williamson was Born in Kentucky, when He was 14 […]
We love Carrie’s voice and when she sings those classic gospel hymns, we get the chills! We love hearing them and Carrie loves singing them. In fact, she’s releasing a whole gospel album in 2021! Here’s an exciting message from Carrie… Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and something NEW for the New […]
Today is Pledge of Allegiance Day. Bauer’s Market and Garden Center bring Us the &AM Shout-Out with DUKE. December 28, 2001, Buffalo NY was paralyzed from an Unbelievable 5 day blizzard. The National Guard was called out to help the City dig out from under 7 feet of snow in Downtown Buffalo. Kudos today to […]