Page: 22
From what I understand is the LaCrosse area will soon be blessed with more tasty chicken. Raising Cane’s is supposed to be putting a store in around the Valley View Mall and I’m sure – just like any new restaurant that comes to town there will be a crazy line for the first month or […]
There are certain actors that transcend their careers with stand out characters and actions. Pick one of the legendary actors and you know the role or roles they are known best for. Usually when their life is reviewed fully there are flaws found within them and a scandal is always part of their story. It’s […]
Chalk this one on the “you wouldn’t see that around here” side. A Florida couple was playing ball with their dog in the yard and the dog bumped the ball over the fence towards the pond. Unfortunately for the dog his ball was quickly claimed by Petey. Who’s Petey? He’s the alligator that lives in […]
The Prevent 22 Task Force was formed as a desire to help our Veterans, Military Members, their families, and our community. Prevent 22 Task Force established in conjunction with Fillmore County Social Services and County Veteran Services the Veteran in Need Fund (VIN-FUND) for Veterans and Military Members who are needing assistance to ensure financial […]
We all knew someone who could do a pretty good imitation of Napoleon Dynamite or a terrible one. The independent film that you either love or hate still gave us one of the strangest if not memorable characters in cinema. 20 years later and quotes from this movie are still uttered today. For the 20th […]
From the files of don’t believe everything you see on the Internet comes the story of a man that WASN’T shoplifting. Bill Astle was unknowingly recorded by another customer at a Walmart simply taking items from his cart and bagging them looking like he was stealing the products. It turns out he was working for […]
Great weather this weekend! So, get out and enjoy it with a few different things for the family. Small town festivals and BIG air shows. Maybe get in a little racing with a night where the crashes are on purpose. If you have the need for speed and wearing aviator sunglasses then the Airfest at […]
All it takes is one or two moments for an artist to suddenly have their career take off. Bryce Thomaschefsky had one of those moments the other nights in Minneapolis. Bryce was on a stage singing outside the Zach Bryan concert where anyone could get up and sing. Little did he know that he was […]
He’s the hot commodity right now. Glen Powell has been in a string of hits lately and with good reason. Regardless of his charming, good looks he is a really good actor. Maybe his most recent film Hit Man on Netflix showcases his range and ability to be more than one person beyond an actor […]
Over the years we have seen several moments where man and beast meet and man usually loses. Bulls jumping over fences or stadium barriers is rare but not new. In Oregon Saturday night a bull jumped over the fence and was loose in the crowd. It ran over two people and a women got violently […]