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The 2024 Decorah Rocks Hungry Hungry Heroes Pancake Breakfast and Hometown Heroes Hike happens on June 15th starting at 8AM. All proceeds form this fundraiser benefit the Winneshiek County emergency responders services. These are the people that come to help at a moments notice to protect us, fight fires, and provide emergency medical assistance. They […]

If you were growing up in the 80s or 90s there was one thing that helped a day home sick make you feel a little better. Between sips of 7Up or ginger ale and toast with a side of chicken noodle soup you got to watch The Price Is Right. Bob Barker entertained you for […]

Spam. It brings up different feeling for different people. For some it’s the last thing they want to see in their email. For others, it’s the meat product they love (or hate) to see on their plate. This story is about the meat product. Joel from Hawaii was traveling with his dance troupe and their […]

The weather looks good and so do your opportunities to get out this weekend. Bull riding might be the thing to get your heart pumping while taking an art tour might be great way to lower your blood pressure. Then wrap it up with some music outdoors. Get your cowboy on with the Winneshiek Fireman’s […]

It’s the season when dumb tourists try to get their picture taken with wild animals such as buffalo. Usually it turns into a viral video of that person getting attacked by the buffalo. Not everyone out there though is doing something dumb. A family was driving through a wildlife park viewing the animals. Mom and […]

Terminator. I, Robot. The Matrix. These are all movies where robots become sentient and begin to think for themselves to the point that the only way to survive is to destroy or subdue all humans. The movie Atlas on Netflix starring Jennifer Lopez is a direct descendant of these films. Where the fear that Artificial […]

I’m not even sure where to start with this. Watching it just makes me angry and sad for a kid that is the middle of one of their greatest memories and it’s ruined by her own parent. Apparently, there have been some disagreements with parents at the Baraboo, Wisconsin schools and some administrators and school […]

Trends come and go from year to year and sometimes week to week. Cicadas have been the – pardon the pun buzz of the year with a record hatch this year. I’ve seen videos of people trying to work while they are swarmed by them as well as people showing them covering their house. Since […]

At this time of year the turtles are moving around quite a bit. Driving home now I see them on the road regularly and do my best to not hit them. There is a variety of big and small turtles between box and painted turtles and snapping turtles. If you can safely get one off […]

Bryan Martin’s journey to Country Music notoriety is not easy nor is it all sunshine and roses. While he found some inspiration in his pain it is that pain that almost overcame him. At the age of 19 he had lived a rough life at home. He found solace by going into the woods across […]

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