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Sometimes someone comes along and changes everything. Usually they are honored near or at the end of a long and illustrious career. Their impact is felt far and wide though and is undeniable. Caitlin Clark is definitely one of those people even though her professional career hasn’t even started yet. There’s no telling how that […]
Remake. Reboot. Sequel. Prequel. Reimagining. These are the buzzwords that Hollywood uses when they put out a movie as part of a franchise. Rehashed. Overdone. Disrespectful. Lazy. And the most popular: why? Those are what potential viewers are likely to say. It’s never surprising when popular movies get sequels or branches off into different stories. […]
Whenever you see an older famous person’s name trending on social media your first thought is they must have passed away. Recently, names have popped up for other reasons such as landmark moments or for no reason at all other than someone put up an “appreciation post” and it took off from there. So, this […]
Oh boy. This may sound like a simple issue, but it is far from it. Morgan Wallen got arrested in Nashville because he threw a chair off the roof of a bar called Chief’s. It luckily landed on the sidewalk without harming anyone, but it did land right next to two police officers. They investigated […]
We are not in the path of totality for the eclipse today. I know some people are actually driving to see it, but that’s not something everyone can do. So here are a few sites you can go to and see it from the comfort of you home, school, or work. And your eyes won’t […]
We all have this problem somewhere in our homes. Guys might be more apt to have it on a workbench or have a desk with several cords that they may need again someday for an electronic device. Closets, drawers, pantries can all be places with clutter. This professional organizer has some tips for decluttering the […]
We’ve all heard the stories of child actors and the problems they have faced growing up. While not every child actor grows up to have financial and mental problems some have been highlighted over the years as cautionary tales. Dana Plato, Soleil Moon Frye, Adam Rich, McCauley Culkin, Drew Barrymore, and Amanda Bynes have all […]
When you watch a disaster movie you know that there will be destruction of a certain level depending on the title. “Twister”, “San Andreas”, “Towering Inferno”, ….. “Sharknado” all give you an idea of what to expect. There is also a formula of the heroes either having to save someone trapped in the middle of […]
This would be terrifying to say the least. Have you ever gotten a little too close to the edge of an overhang or roof, or maybe just the curb? That feeling you get is still a little bit of fear depending on the height and implications if you actually did fall. Have you ever thought […]
While this seems like an obvious April Fools Day prank they went full send. They posted this over the weekend so they would have ample video for April 1st. I gotta admit it’s pretty funny! My guess is it’s a dual purpose thing: a prank, but also to remind drivers to stop when people are […]