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It’s cool to be able to talk to an artist as they are ascending in the music world. Brett Westgrove is from Wausau, Wisconsin but resides in Nashville. He’ll be hitting the stage at Riverfest this year on July 5th as a headliner. He came in to talk about his career, the upcoming show, and […]
People are intrigued. Apparently before the Super Bowl played a few weeks ago the folks in Germany had their own event just before game time. There was a game of football played on ice. There were yard lines and end zones clearly marked and even fully lighted goal posts. The fun part is that they […]
Back in October i had the privilege …. no the honor of telling you about the upcoming Florida Man Games. Those games finally happened this past weekend. The inaugural “Florida Man Games” went down in St. Augustine, Florida on Saturday, and organizers called it a huge success. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s basically […]
It’s always cool when someone gets to live out their dreams. We cheer them on and hope that whatever schooling or training they need goes well. Usually, the dream being lived out is getting that job or career they’ve always wanted that is a part of everyday life. What if that dream is a bit […]
Usually this time of year the weather has us either stuck at home or searching for opportunities to go out somewhere. Even thought he temps are more spring like than winter there’s plenty to go to. There are things for mom and dad to do as well as family fun around the coulee region. Do […]
Yesterday there was a major outage in the cell phone world. AT&T had an outage that some thought might be a cyber attack. According to the cell provider it was merely a software update that went wrong. People on other cell service thought they were affected as well, but that was because they were trying […]
For the past few years, the city of Kyle, Texas has been trying to break a record by assembling an ARMY OF KYLES all in one spot. They have needed more than 2,325 Kyles to break the world record for “largest gathering of people with the same first name.” The current record was set in […]
When the story of Jeffery Dahmer came to light in 1991 it was a completely shocking moment. I was in high school, and stories of serial killers seemed like long ago moments that didn’t happen anymore. They sure didn’t happen a state away either as far as I knew. When I heard the report on […]
Polar Plunge has been going on in LaCrosse for 26 years. That’s the longest in the state of Wisconsin! Every year folks brave the jump – or in the case here run into the frigid waters in a show of support and fundraising for Special Olympics. There are a few ways to help this year […]
I’m going to warn you straight up that this video is VERY tough to watch. Even the reporter doing the interview is struggling. A motorcyclist in Florida decides that it’s a great idea to go 100 MPH on a highway. He passes a cop car and it is caught on the dash cam. Before he […]