
Page: 42

I use the term “nightmare fuel” sparingly as it should only apply to special occasions of true horror. This is one! A man found a Christmas decoration that is 100 years old and apparently a former Macy’s display item. That’s pretty cool! What’s not cool is that it has become quite raggedy and look like […]

It’s always fun when people help spread holiday cheer this time of year. Some workers get yelled at, talked down to, and outright abused in their customer service positions. I’ve been at the airport and seen people upset with the desk agent about one thing or another. Usually nothing they can control or “fix” and […]

I love Christmas! I love the entire season and the hope and joy it brings to so many people! I have many great memories growing up watching all the Christmas specials that were available to us. I found it sad that as I got older a lot of the Christmas specials had kind of disappeared […]

A couple in New York state named Tim and Grace Gay hold the record for most Christmas lights on a residential property.  Back in 2012, they put up over 346,000 lights.  Then they beat their own record in 2014 with over 600,000 lights. Thousands of people visit their house every December in Lagrangeville, New York, […]

Every year around the holidays we hear about the needs in our communities. It’s good to be reminded that not everyone has it easy at this time of year. With that, if you are able to help by volunteering or by giving donations that is greatly appreciated by everyone. Even the smallest donation of money […]

Another Tuesday, another concert announcement! Brantley Gilbert is coming to LaCrosse in March of 2024. Brantley has been through here before a few times including a performance at Oktoberfest. Brantley has his feet in the “rebel” side of country for sure and sings songs about being from the south and adds some rock to his […]

You ever watch an older movie or TV show with police in them? There was a time when it seemed like cops needed to throw up their badge (or not) and take a citizen’s vehicle in order to chase the bad guy. It became so common that it has been parodied several times now. You […]

As much as Artificial Intelligence should be used with caution and we should have concerns about people abusing it there are also helpful applications. Even Santa could use a hand this time of year and AI seems to be a legitimate way of helping him out. Since there are so many good boys and girls […]

The craft shows are slowing down and the shopping days are getting less and less. Maybe you need to do some more shopping or maybe you just need to do something with your family. Let’s see if we can find some ways to lessen the holiday stress and just hang out. Go somewhere that not […]

Every once in a while we see an older person performing on Tik Tok or other social media. Most of the time it’s a fun video of their birthday or other life moment and other they are teaming up with their grandchildren to make fun viral videos. In this case a woman in Iowa filmed […]

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