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There are many honors out there for people of all skills and talents. We know some as they are pretty much at the forefront due to them being a Hall of Fame for their respective area. One that many might not be aware of is the National Inventors Hall of Fame and I think the […]
One and done. That’s the saying this time of year when it comes to high school football. Wisconsin has already been a week into their post season run, but Minnesota starts this week. In this corner of the state it’s a big deal with almost every year having teams play in the State Tournament. Whether […]
Have you ever been heckled? You know, when you’re trying to do your job and someone tries to distract you or criticize you from the sidelines or audience? We usually associate it with people on stage with someone in the crowd yelling things at them. I’ve experienced it at a minor level and seen people […]
The horror genre is constantly trying to find new ways to bring folks to the theater. The heyday was in the 80s for sure. It has moments of being on top again with innovative takes like “The Blair Witch Project” or the “Scream” series, but it always seems to trail off again quickly. It is […]
As fans we get to watch our favorite teams when we get to the stadium. Other than the occasional fan standing up in front of us we get to see the game unhindered. Imagine being a fan that has your back to the game most of the time. People don’t realize that most cheerleaders in […]
Not everyone puts up their Christmas decorations right after Halloween. Some want those pumpkins and gourds to last all the way to Thanksgiving. It’s still fall and those decorations are not just specific to one holiday. The problem is getting those orange beauties lasting long enough to last the whole season. Sometimes it’s just luck […]
I’ve always wanted to try skydiving! I think that feeling of falling would be exhilarating and a cool thing to say that you did. There are inherent risks to doing it with the biggest not opening your chute on time. That’s what almost happens in this case as a student goes into free fall. You […]
World records are there to be broken and another one has fallen. This time it’s for the World’s Largest Pumpkin. This is one big pumpkin! Travis Gienger of Anoka, Minnesota had to haul it all the way to San Francisco for the official weigh in where the giant pumpkin weighed in 2749lbs taking back the […]
I am a full fledged Christmas decorator. I am always thinking of new ways to decorate and new things to add to the yard or the house interior. I’m a little jealous though of those that can decorate really well for Halloween. Sometimes it’s their ability to build cool stuff and sometimes it’s the level […]