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What do you get when you take a female country singer that seems to personify Country Music not just on the inside, but on the outside as well? You get Hailey Whitters. She performed a few years ago on the Country Boom stage. When I met her backstage she was dressed in an outfit that […]
We’ve come all the way back to start another season of wonder and worry with the Minnesota Vikings. it seems like just yesterday we were marveling at the team’s ability to make epic and historic comebacks even though their defense was abysmal at times. The playoff loss to the Giants at home still stings as […]
I understand this to a point. I’m very aware that I need a dose of caffeine daily and if I don’t get it I am going to be tired and have a massive headache the next day. I used to have a Mtn. Dew every day to get my fix. As I work earlier now […]
Imagine going out to do some fishing and instead of catching a wall-EYE you hook a wall-ET. A kid from Moorhead, MN was fishing for walleye on Lake of Woods recently and did just that. The wallet was filled with $2000 and would have made for a nice reward for a day of fishing whether […]
I started seeing this float around last week: do you and your spouse/partner have designated side of the bed you sleep on? Why was this asked? Because this woman put up this video and everyone started to lose their minds. She states that her and her husband do NOT have designated sides of the bed […]
There are some movies that are named about as perfectly as can be for what they are about. Star Wars, Saving Private Ryan, Sixteen Candles all have great names and they never actually same the title in the movie. Then there are those named for what they are about such as Jurassic Park, Top Gun, […]
I love when people have a sense of humor. I marvel at those that are so whip smart that they come up with a joke or a funny story right on the spot. Comedians put themselves on stage to show off their skills with varying degrees of success. Most comedians will tell you that you […]