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It’s always great when our food delivery shows up on time. We get our delicious meal still hot and tasty and we gladly pay the delivery person and give them a nice tip. In a recent video a pizza delivery driver delivered a bit more than a hot pie and some garlic bread. He delivered […]

This is right along the the lines of any parent or boss looking at someone and asking, “What in the Sam hill were you thinking?!” There would generally be more colorful words in there. Just think if you sent your kid to school and they told you that their activity in class that day was […]

Yes, you read that correctly. A woman in England named Carly Burd grows vegetables and gives them to people in need.  She’s fed over 1,600 people just in the last couple years. But this week, she posted a TikTok of herself sobbing after someone poured SALT all over her garden, just to be mean.  It […]

It’s not often we see people take action when something needs to get done. It seems the thought is that famous people do this even less because of their status. Don’t let the haters out there fool you. There are a number of famous people that put in hard, physical labor to get things taken […]

I know there are a lot of people that cringe or turn their nose up at the mention of any sort of science fiction shows. Star Trek and Star Wars are at the forefront of being the most pop culture referenced shows and movies by the general public. Everyone knows a saying from them in […]

We all know that one person that refuses to make several trips to the car to carry things in the house. Whether it’s a trip to the department store or the local grocery store they load up as much as they can. Arms hurt? Don’t care. Back goes out for 3 days after? Totally worth […]

When you have an ATV or a UTV (that’s a a 4 wheeler or a side-by-side for those that don’t know) you like to go for drives down the trail. Occasionally you find a challenge to take on. For instance, there may be a pit or climb put in by the trail managers that allows […]

We have seen what seems like countless videos of people being removed from a flight. Some are quite easy to determine why as the video shows them fully showing off their transgressions. Others are a bit more vague to start, but as the video continues we see why. This one isn’t so much about seeing […]

You ever find something special in the oddest of places? Maybe even something expensive or rare? In Rogers Minnesota they found something that someone might want back even if it was in raw sewage. One of the workers found a diamond ring in a drain. The plant is 60 years old so there is no […]

There are things in life that are as rare as rare can be. Winning the lottery, The Triple Crown, and the most impossible feat of guessing a perfect NCAA bracket. While the first 2 are reasonably attainable the third is nearly impossible, and what I’m about to tell you has to be in that same […]

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