Page: 7
The news has been splattered with new schools and what they should be named or school name changes over the years. Some is due to controversy and some is due to wanting to honor someone that deserves it. Usually the name is a famous person from the state or town they’re in or a person […]
Do you hate it when you get up the day after Halloween and someone has smashed pumpkins in the street? Especially when it’s your pumpkins you feel like someone kind of violated your celebrations. What if someone ate your pumpkins instead of smashing them? That’s what someone’s ring camera caught. Only it wasn’t people, but […]
The weekend before Halloween is always busy with haunted houses and scary trails to travel down. If you’re looking for those please got to Around River City and you will find plenty to go to in your neighborhood or maybe travel a bit for one. Here are some other things you can do if you’re […]
When you hear about the oldest person in the world or America I’m sure you get a certain image in your mind. Someone that can barely move or maybe not even communicate. This can’t be further from the truth in most cases. They are usually that old because they took care of themselves and stayed […]
Staying at a historically famous place or one from a movie set is pretty cool. Most movie sets though are not real. After the movie Weekend At Bernie’s came out in the 80s everyone wanted to take pictures of this awesome beach house. Problem is that it was built by the movie and then torn […]
We’re entering that magical time of the year: Holiday Season. It goes from roughly the 1st of October to a week or so after New Year Day because not everyone has gotten their Christmas party in yet. During this time we are offered up plenty of holiday shows and movies to keep us entertained when […]
90 is the new 30 I guess. We see so many stories nowadays where an elderly individual gets to live out a dream. Sometimes it’s as simple as flying in a plane for first time or going to a foreign country. For others it is more of a thrill. They may ride a roller coaster […]
Photos are the windows to our past. I’ve always felt that way. Some photos are better than others in that they caught an iconic moment in history, life, or sports. Even if it’s just the cover of a magazine they can become iconic in their own way. For Minnesota sports fans one such magazine cover […]
Not every competition involves two teams facing off on the court or field. A competition that fits more in the category of competitive eating that would show up on ESPN 8: The Ocho is growing large food items. Pumpkins are the pinnacle of large foods especially this time of year. Whoever can grow and successfully […]
The spooky season is upon us! Ghosts and goblins, witches and werewolves, and the scariest of all… politicians! Not really, but it’s a great time to have some fun getting scared! the weather this weekend is going to be Top 10. So, it’s also a great weekend to spend at the local apple farm. Head […]