
Page: 73

When’s the last time you dialed 411 Information or zero for an operator on your phone? For most it has been quite a while since they used that service. Just 10-15 years ago you maybe started dialing it less because your phone stored everyone’s number. Before that you may have called them to find a […]

I’m no ice fisherman. I’ve tried it a few times, but just don’t find the joy in it that others gladly do. Not enough action for me I guess. However, I appreciate the solemn meditation that can be had while getting in some fishing either alone or with friends. This attraction might get me out […]

Every summer in the tri-states we get excited for the glut of country concerts we can attend all over the states. We will travel several hundred miles and sleep in less than perfect conditions in order to have fun and listen to some great Country music. WE Fest, Summerfest, Country Fest, Country Jam, and Country […]

People online are talking about “uncommon things that should become normalized.” Now most of these are pretty normal and not to hard to comprehend. I know some will push back on a few like, dressing up which I think is really too bad. If you’re going to a fast food restaurant no one really cares. However, […]

If you’ve ever heard the drop of a lady saying, “Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays”, a man yelling about how he’s good with people, or not having enough “flair” then you know why it feels good to be a gangster. The cult classic “Office Space” has inspired a glut of quotes to deal […]

We always hear about backup players coming into football games and using “late game heroics” to win the game. In the world of sports it’s a big moment and may propel that player into the limelight and bigger paychecks. To majority of the world it doesn’t affect too much of everyone’s life. This weekend though […]

If you would have asked me a year ago how much Warren Zeiders music have you listened to I would have said, “None”. He wasn’t on my or most others’ radar. Enter Country Boom and their 2023 lineup. Zeiders is listed on their openers list and I had to go seek out his music and […]

Every year the talk of resolutions comes up and how we’re going to change habits and “make (insert year here) the best year ever!” Sometimes we put too much pressure on those resolutions and set unattainable goals or feel like if we stray for a bit we can’t start back up. Some goals are easier […]

Do you remember where you were in 2009? I don’t remember much about it other than I was in the same house I live in now, both my kids were in school, and I was a year away from being on the radio. Crazy. The phones weren’t so “smart” back then and the only way […]

You never want to come to a party unprepared. Whether you are supposed to bring a gift or maybe a hotdish, or a bottle to pass, or wear the proper attire you should not be sitting there as the odd person out. No matter what type of party it is from a fondue party, ugly […]

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