
Page: 84

“Have you seen that (insert comic book movie here) scene where the construction worker/window cleaner/helicopter pilot is hanging perilously from a (insert tall object here) and (the aforementioned superhero) saves them?” A construction worker in Canada could have used a superhero a few weeks ago when he got caught up in some lines for materials […]

I admit I was a huge action figure fan as a kid. It started with Star Wars and soon I had branched out into GI JOE, and He-Man. I had a large collection and spent hours with myself or friends using our imagination going on adventures and fighting epic battles. The 80s were really a […]

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There are a bevy of stories out there of people having great wedding moments and memories. Whether it’s that crazy dance that your uncle did or the kid that wouldn’t stop talking during the ceremony that made for a funnier wedding tape you can find one. Sometimes we see photos or stories of famous people […]

There are a lot of jobs out there that require a little extra time at the office. Those long hours are not always the best thing and can cause you to not get the best amount of sleep. Science has proven that most people would benefit from a short nap at work to recharge their […]

The site Emojipedia says 31 new emojis could be approved in September and hit phones next year.  That’s actually NOT a lot.  121 were added in the last update, and 217 the time before that.  Here are a few highlights from the new list . . . 1.  A “Pink Heart” emoji.  There’s already a […]

I have my personal pet peeves when it comes to eating with number 6 on this list being the top one. Not all of these are that bad. Such as, number 5 if you do it in a non-sloppy manner, but when out dining at a highfalutin restaurant having a fancy meal maybe just don’t […]

I’ve taken a my share of flights in my lifetime to one coast or the other and even to Alaska. I’m planning on more to the East Coast and Hawaii, and someday I hope to head to Europe to research my roots. When you’re on a plane there are several instructions and rules to follow. […]

As far as I’m concerned we should be further out in space exploring planets and should have made it to Mars by now. However, that’s not the case and my views of a future built by TV shows is disappointing. One saving grace is the mega telescopes we have that can not give us a […]

Giant balls of twine, gum walls, world’s largest walleye, the Great Wall of China are all wonderful attractions to see and wonder at. We are so lucky in this day and age to have these wonders of the world to go and see. To revel in their glory and try to understand our culture further. […]

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