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The Great Rivers United Way is a nonprofit organization working to advance the common good and create opportunities for a better life for everyone in and around the Coulee Region. Join them this Saturday, June 4th, at 100 Harborview Plaza in downtown La Crosse for the “United We Chalk” fundraising event. It’s a family-friendly, all-abilities chalk […]
If you’ve ever driven in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area on the highway you know that driving can be an ordeal. While around our area we don’t worry too much about traffic and drive with a defensive strategy in the Twin Cities you must drive more offensively. Should you have an emergency getting over to the […]
If you have been following along (or even if you haven’t but know what’s going on) there was finally a verdict in the defamation trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. After what has felt like a year of coverage the jury came back with a verdict that was somewhat positive for both sides. Both […]
Pack a picnic and grab the lawn chairs or blankets. Moon Tunes of La Crosse is back for most Thursday’s this summer! Moon Tunes is a Valley Rotary Project bringing FREE concerts to the park. Check out the Moon Tunes lineup below. There will be limited seating at the bandshell, and handicap accessible parking at […]
Sometimes a band has a name that indicates they are family even if they aren’t while some are flesh and blood relatives. The latter is the case with Brothers Osborne, John and TJ. Only a few years apart in age the two brothers grew up in Maryland on Chesapeake Bay in a house and family […]
We’ve all heard stories about kids being bullied or left out in schools. Whether it’s physical or simply verbal it seems like it has been on the rise in recent years. In Colorado a young man named Brody had moved to a new school due to being bullied at his last one and was looking […]
After a tragedy like the one in Uvalde, Texas it can be hard to know what to do. So many people want to find ways to help, but that can be difficult from long distances, or to make sure your donations are going to the correct people. Minnesota Vikings cornerback Kris Boyd, who is from […]
I love history and old buildings. Always having a glimpse of where we came from is fascinating and looking at old architecture is usually more beautiful than modern work. The fact that a lot of old buildings are still standing strong is a testament to how we used to build. Just look at downtown La […]
I can understand if you’re not the biggest fan of Adam Sandler. His comedy styling and early movies are not Oscar winners or even considered although he has made some dramas that have been critically acclaimed. No matter what you think he has had a great career and he still has some of the most […]
Throughout the month of May, KQ98 is giving our thanks and salutes to all of our local veterans. We’ll highlight area VFW’s and other organizations that work with our veterans and their families to make sure they get the best possible care. Brandon Scott in the morning talked to Adam Flood from the La Crosse […]