KQ98 Cares

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Capable Canines of Wisconsin, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that trains and places service dogs. They are dedicated to providing assistance and support to children and adults living with autism, seizures, diabetes, and physical disabilities. Capable Canines serves 5 states including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan. If you would like to make a donation or […]

“This will give folks a place to sit and just be outside, or have their lunch”, said Lee Walraven with the La Crosse Family YMCA. The Y has an outdoor area with a community garden called The Community Food Forest. Community members can come pick fruits and veggies and learn more on how to grow […]

The holidays are a time for joy and happiness! Where can you find a park full of lights and happy people all around? At riverside park with Rotary Lights! KQ98 cares along with the La Crosse Regional Airport and Mattresses and More in Winona are supporting the 26th year of Rotary Lights and their display […]

Times are tougher than ever, and kids need our support more than ever before! KQ98 Cares along with the La Crosse Regional Airport and Mattresses and More in Winona want to encourage you to support the La Crosse Area Jaycees and their Toys For Tots drive this holiday season. There will be more families and […]

New Horizons Shelter & Outreach Centers provide safety and services to adults and families who have experienced domestic and sexual abuse. New Horizons is the only shelter within a 65-mile radius of La Crosse. But they’re more than a shelter. They have outreach services and can help victims of abuse, even if they’re not ready […]

Alzheimer’s isn’t waiting, and neither is the Alzheimer’s Association. You can participate in the 2020 walk to end Alzheimer’s to raise awareness and funds to support Alzheimer’s care and research. this year, the walk is virtual and it’s everywhere! KQ98 cares along with the La Crosse Regional Airport and Mattresses and More in Winona are supporting […]

Scouting is a great way for the youth of America from all walks of life to get out and enjoy nature and learn lifelong skills. KQ98 Cares and the La Crosse Regional Airport are sponsoring a hole at the 17th Annual Gateway Golf Outing For Scouting on August 17th. They have a “hole-in-one” contest to […]

Riding horses isn’t just fun, it’s therapeutic. KQ98 Cares and the La Crosse Regional Airport proudly recognize Thunder Rode Therapeutic Riding! Thunder Rode provides confidence building and rehabilitative training to individuals of all ages. With the help of their skilled instructors, they provide assistance to troubled youth, the disabled, and to veterans through equine experiences. […]

You may know that Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization helping families build and improve places to call home, but did you realize they offer special programs to improve the lives of veterans too? Habitat For Heroes is their initiative to assisting local veterans in skill development, interaction and support through volunteerism. In addition to […]

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