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From all of us at KQ98 we want to wish you joy and laughter this holiday season! We hope you have a wonderful weekend and Christmas Day! Phil, Kaitlyn, Brad, Tony, and Tripper

For 65 years NORAD has been keeping track of Ol’ Saint Nick and making sure the airways are clear of trouble and that kids don’t cut it too close with getting to bed. You and the kids can keep track of Santa Claus’s journey at the NORAD site. You can even chat with the radar […]

Unfortunately there might not be a lot of snow to send the kids out to play on. No snowmen. No sledding. No snowball fights. That sounds terribly boring. Your whole family might be inside for a bit this holiday season with no school work to do or maybe you’re finally using that vacation time before […]

Whether you believe or not there are several people in this world that were a little concerned about Christmas this year. Kids all over have been asking their parents and friends and neighbors whether Santa Claus would be showing up this year. With the Corona virus putting a damper on almost everything I’m sure several […]

Every holiday season we all feel like kids waiting for the “specials” to be on. Whether your favorite is Charlie Brown or Frosty they all hold a special place in our hearts. Probably the most magical shows were the “Claymation” shows like “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer” or “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” where […]

Tom Cruise is one of those Hollywood actors that is both revered and loved, but also has his share of odd moments that have made him the butt of jokes. Whether you like him or not you can’t deny he’s one of the biggest money makers in Hollywood history. The other day on the set […]

Over the years Saturday Night Live has had a slew of great impressionists. From Dan Ackroyd’s wacky Julia Childs to Dana Carvey’s loved impressions of President George Bush Sr. and Ross Perot to Darrell Hammond’s spot on portrayal of President Bill Clinton and hilarious take on Sean Connery. One of the underrated cast member s […]

It was an announcement we all knew would happen one day. This year finally saw The Voice’s Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani get engaged. They have become one of America’s favorite couples due to their over abundance of straight up likability. Blake is an “aw shucks” cowboy with an awesome sense of humor and Gwen […]

There can never be another Chuck Norris simply because Chuck Norris will live forever and the world can’t handle that much Chuck Norris. However, his movies and shows can be rebooted because they are characters and Chuck, being the nice guy he is will allow it. So if you didn’t grow up on the original […]

I wish every story I shared on here was sunshine and roses. That it will always make you laugh or feel a little shocked or bring a tear to your eye in the best way possible. However, today that is not the case. Today my guess is that you will be angry, as angry as […]

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