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There are a ton of traditions when kids graduate from school. From loving video tributes to overblown senior pranks, to catching a case of “senior-itis”, the kids will always have something to help them remember their final days of school. Sure, all they’ve talked about is getting out, but they soon realize how much they […]
Records …. they are meant to be broken. Some can only be broken in certain areas or even countries. However, some are world wide accomplishments. Of course Guinness World Records is the official record keeper of the records and they tell us who has the best, biggest, longest, smallest, etc. in the world. This also […]
There are a bunch of ways to go viral. Maybe you have a funny or helpful video series that people subscribe to. They go there for your fun or informational stories that get them through their day. Imagine while already doing your viral thing a more viral thing happens to you. This sewing vlog got […]
Every year it seems we are treated to a new video of someone doing something they think is safe. They decide that the perfect picture for their Instagram is a close up of a wild animal. What usually happens is them going viral being in a video of that same animal chasing or attacking them. […]
Wedding days should be as special as they can hopefully be. There shouldn’t be anything that goes wrong and everyone should be there so that the day feels almost magical. Some folks don’t have it as easy as that. Some start out with a story of tragedy or sadness that can hopefully be overcome. This […]
I am a lucky person in that my bladder is pretty strong. I almost never leave my seat at a Vikings game and I definitely never walk out to use the facilities when I go to a movie. I do my best to “go” just before I go in to the theater so I can […]
I’m having a bit of debate with myself over this clip: is it above and beyond customer service or good fun by both parties? This video has been out for a bit, but it is gaining traction lately. Apparently, the customer who had the Amazon package delivered had a note left for the driver. Not […]
IT’S SO HOT OUTSIDE!…. HOW HOT IS IT? ….. Jokes like this come and go with the seasons and your general responses change depending on what region of the country you’re in or maybe even which country you happen to be it. We’ve seen people do some fun and sometimes crazy experiments with the proper […]
As we age we know we all slow down in certain aspects. We can’t walk as fast or lift as heavy of objects as we used to and with that maybe our vision or hearing get worse. We also figure there are certain things we don’t need anymore because they seem extravagant and we’re just […]