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If you don’t know what Zillow is then you’re probably not over 45 years old going down real estate rabbit holes looking at homes you wish you could afford. You don’t even have to be actively looking for a new home. You just start looking at homes near you and suddenly you’re checking out some […]

It should go without saying that you can’t believe everything you see on TV. Growing up I believed that a car could jump over just about and ditch, creek, river, or other cars and not get a scratch on it. The suspension would never blow out nor would the tires or the frame of body […]

The beautiful thing about softball and baseball is that there is no time limit to the overall game. A game could, in theory go on forever if no one manages to outscore the other team in the innings provided or added. We’ve all seen games that take a long time to conclude but they don’t […]

There are stories out there of people finding a new path to success. Stories of those that had to work extra hard to get there even when it felt like everything was against them. That’s what makes it satisfying when you hear about someone overcoming the roadblocks in front of them and getting to their […]

When we see a robbery on TV shows or movies there is always good guys and bad guys. The bad guys point guns and steal the money and the good guys try to catch them and put them in jail. Sometimes this is a real life situation and in movies or show and in real […]

We often see TV shows and the occasional movie where a person damages their own property in order to collect money from the insurance. In some cases they are being even more nefarious as they try to murder someone. Usually they do it in secret and try to avoid being caught. The other day a […]

We’ve all had the experience in the tri-states of driving along and having wildlife decide to join us on the road. Whether you’re driving or merely a passenger you’ve felt the suddenness of the brakes being applied and stared hopelessly into the eyes of a woodland creature as it prepares to bounce off your grill […]

Back in March we shared a story of a ring found in a water treatment plant in Rogers, Minnesota. They were cleaning out debris and by the luckiest of chances a worker spotted a ring. They set out to find the owner as best they could using social media and said it could have been […]

Have you ever gone to Disney World or Disneyland? I’ve been to both and they truly are “magical” places to go. Families enjoying themselves and laughing and making memories. Yes, it is expensive to go to the parks. However, if you can make just one trip there in your life you will see how great […]

Taylor Swift tickets are a difficult thing to come by. I know a few months back friends and coworkers were sitting by their computers “in line” for their chance to see Tay Tay in person. Trying to make themselves and their kids happier than getting the best toy ever at Christmas. Not everyone gets to […]

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