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As we seem to finally be reaching the future we all dreamed of with self driving cars, video calls from anywhere, and artificial intelligence that can help with everyday tasks the human race shows their incapacity to handle such technology. It seems there is a daily misuse of the technology that has been developed and […]
Nature has it’s moments of pure joy and beauty. Times where we see it in action and realize that without its natural course that the world would be in a bad place. Nature can also be brutally frightening and catch us off guard. Yup, animals attack other animals and not every cuddly creature makes it. […]
The old days of getting a simple offer to escort someone to prom have seemed to go by the wayside. Now there has to be signs, and balloons, music, flowers, circus performers, bears, fog machines, and MTV’s Dan Cortese. Dan Cortese It almost feels like if you don’t get something of this nature that the […]
Are you struggling to keep thing together as a middle class citizen with a decent job? Then you probably won’t do this. Are you rich? Well, then this is for you! That’s right! You can dine above the clouds and with the stars with Zephalto. What is this you might ask? It is literally a […]
Keanu Reeves is a big name in Hollywood. From his iconic role as Ted Theodore Logan in “Bill and Ted’ Excellent Adventure” to his theater conquering trilogy of “The Matrix” films to his recent staring role in the “John Wick” films he brings with him the clout to pretty much do whatever he wants. With […]
We all keep hearing about artificial intelligence doing tasks that humans do. They are even dipping into the creative side of life with the ability to write songs when given an amount of source material and style. Some think it could help scribes get past writer’s block while other think people, especially kids will use […]
Lawn Starter has an intriguing question for you: Do you LOVE the locally-sourced food where you live or is your best option for fresh food the Walmart down the road? A new study ranked the “best cities to eat local food,” and it considered factors like community-supported agriculture, farm stands and markets, bakeries, butcher shops, […]
The old saying, “When it rains, it pours” can really explain how bad it’s going for someone. Just one moment for a famous person can be bad enough when caught on video, but when you get to two you have to figure other minor things in their life, like stubbing their toe getting out of […]
To say Vincent Dransfield is defying aging is a bit of an understatement. I’ve seen people much younger than him look like and act like they should be 109 years old (he had a birthday in March). But here he is still driving, has a sharp wit, and even helps with the fire department he […]
For parents or those watching after kids we know the sting of panic that goes through our bodies when a kid can’t be found. My wife and I both experienced it and minutes feel like hours in those situations. A woman on Tik Tok recently lost track of her daughter at a children’s museum, but […]