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In this day and age it is not uncommon to have something delivered to your home. More and more people choose to have things delivered rather than going to the store every day. You can even have food delivered now which can be a great convenience for those that have trouble with mobility for whatever […]

“Dad, I’m hungry. Hi Hungry, I’m dad!”, “Did you hear about the guy that wouldn’t cool people off? He wasn’t a fan.”, “Did you hear about the guy who got caught stealing a calendar?  He got TWELVE MONTHS.”  You can groan if you want, but “dad jokes” like that are actually GOOD for kids. Dad […]

Here’s a new trend:  Would you be more offended if you were driving to work and someone gave you the FINGER . . . or a THUMBS DOWN? Young people are supposedly ditching the bird, and giving drivers a thumbs down instead.  They claim it’s more effective. Someone talked to a bunch of Millennials and […]

Personally, I’m going to stick with my Yellow Lab, but times they are a changing. The American Kennel Club has released its list of the most popular dog breeds in the U.S. in 2022, based on registration statistics. The French Bulldog is #1 for the first time, dethroning the Labrador Retriever, which had been #1 […]

There is nothing like the wonder of a child when they first experience something new. Their eyes get bigger and they can barely speak, and they marvel at their new experience as a life changing moment. Sometimes adults have a similar response but it isn’t as adorable that’s for sure. Now, when someone older gets […]

You don’t have to be a fan of hockey to appreciate the power of “the flow” at the Minnesota High School State Hockey Tournament. For a few years now these videos have gained more popularity each year. The video breaks down and names the hockey hair of the players as they are introduced on TV […]

Every year Hollywood celebrates those in the business that put their time and talents into entertaining everyone. The greatest actors, actresses, directors, and every once else involved in the making of a movie are recognized at the Academy Awards most known as The Oscars. Sometimes controversial and full of commentary, sometimes pretty low key except […]

As a dad I know how it feels to not be there for your kids. It hurts no matter what the reason is and you feel a great deal of regret. It is a whole other level when you may never be there for them ever again. Michael Hugo is 37 years old and has […]

Not everyone gets to make the winning shot or have themselves all over the news for their athletic abilities. There are those players that play the best they can and contribute where they can. They are just as much a part of the team, but they don’t see the playing field as much as others. […]

When it comes to kids they can say some of the funniest things all from a sense of naive wonder and pure heart. They can also knock us down a peg with brutal honesty when they don’t know how to be appropriate in certain situations. The most powerful thing a kid can do is just […]

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