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A teenager’s experience on a slingshot ride will likely remain with her forever. Kilie Holman, 13, was recently on the ride with a friend at a water park in Wildwood, New Jersey when a seagull, yes a seagull came out of nowhere and smacked her in the face. As the ride launched her and a […]

If you like to fish this would probably be a dream catch. A group of people fishing on the Fraser River in Vancouver, British Columbia managed to catch and reel in a white sturgeon that was 11.5 feet long. The fish measured 56 inches around, and weighed more than 800 pounds. The fish is speculated […]

Every once in a while you see something you can’t believe. In the safest of venues it’s a magic trick or a circus act. Maybe a singer does something crazy at a concert or an athlete pulls off a miracle, or a physics defying catch. We see these and are amazed, and question, “How did […]

Can we start talking about flying cars and living on the moon again and colonizing Mars? Because that’s what happened when the Space Race took off in the 1960’s. I remember watching specials as a kid in high school that by now we should already be flying to work and using jetpacks on a regular […]

Firefighters in Ohio had to get creative when rescuing a dog this week. The dog had been missing until someone heard it barking for help. I’m currently dealing with a new puppy and the worst he has done is slip between the mattress and the foot board on our bed. Only a minor amount of […]

Katie is from Caledonia and wanted to bring some Hollywood to Houston County! Tony had a chance to talk with her and she tells us all about it here. The festival happens July 23rd-25th and you can get more information at

When we have pets we do out best to take care of them for their entire life. Unfortunately some people don’t take this as seriously as others or come on hard times and in their judgement they decide to set their pets free. This is never a good idea as some animals just can’t care […]

This last year was full of TV shows and a dramatic increase of viewers due to the pandemic. It seemed like I could not talk to anyone – from 6 feet apart or over Zoom that didn’t watch the same shows I did. People were starving for entertainment and thanks to every streaming service available […]

There is always concern that you might find something when digging that you didn’t expect to find. Usually it’s a water service line or maybe electrical or cable wiring. Then there are those of us that have seen movies like “Poltergeist” and are worried that we will unearth a long lost or unmoved graveyard and […]

If you’re not aware I’m a bit of a “cinephile”. There’s nothing I like more than getting lost in a movie and escaping from the real world for a few hours. It’s relaxing. One of the best things about movies is just accepting the fact that you’re watching fiction and whether or not something would […]

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