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The Earth will always be undefeated in the end. Can you imagine hearing a sound like thunder and going outside to see most of your land missing? What do you do other than run away? You can’t stop it. Who do you even call, a geologist? Luckily this sinkhole formed far enough away from the […]
This family is definitely getting a great turn on their investment on swimming lessons. When a 7 year old boy and his sister got swept away their dad did his best to save them, but his son ended up swimming for an hour to get help to save his dad and sister.
OK, let’s all be honest here: if you saw a bear in your backyard and it was taking stabs at your dog you would be distressed. Would you be so upset that you would charge the bear and shove it off a wall? Most likely not. I mean, it’s a freaking bear! In this case […]
There’s nothing better than when kids have birthdays coming up! They are excited for all the fun they are going to have with friends, presents, and delicious cake! For some kids the cake is the best thing about the day. My wife is an excellent baker and gets asked to make cakes for all sorts […]
What’s the old saying? “It’s the best way to spend 3 month’s salary.” Maybe. However, that rule isn’t really a true representation of today’s economy because if you made $100,000 a year your ring would cost $25,000. That seems a bit much. How about instead of buying a ring you go out and mine for […]
Last night when the rain clouds were passing over Winona County and southern Houston County some people were getting stormed on. Hail, extreme lightning, heavy rains were involved. However, there was a gap in the clouds that spared northern Houston County of any rain, but gave us a spectacular golden glow with a few clouds […]
Sometimes it’s a matter of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” when it comes to making decisions. This does not appear to be one of those moments. It’s questionable enough to alter the photos, but it’s downright embarrassing how poorly they were done. I can understand why these girls feel more self conscience […]
I’ve had animals run out in front of me multiple times. The majority of times I’ve avoided them by applying the brakes or them being decisive in their travel path and we both come out unscathed. This weekend the wife and I were traveling to Winona and a bird hit the frame of our open […]
Every year we go through tax season as if our life is over. Now those that do their own taxes may feel that way as they stumble through all the paper work or computer screens trying to get a refund versus paying in. Those that use a tax preparer have it a little easier since […]