Scheduled on

Monday 10:00 am 2:00 pm
Tuesday 10:00 am 2:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am 2:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am 2:00 pm
Friday 10:00 am 2:00 pm

KQ98 Middays

Hey, it’s Phil Tripper.  I was born and raised just across the river from the studios in La Crescent, MN. Some of my first memories of radio were the throwback sounds of The Eagle KQEG and Keith and Sam in the morning on Z93. My first deep dives into country music probably came from lazy afternoons watching CMT in the 90s and backwoods bonfire parties in the wilds of southeast Minnesota as a teenager. You’ve got Tripper questions, I’ve got Tripper answers:

Favorite food: Pizza…all of it. Anytime, anywhere, any style

Favorite game: Trivial Pursuit – mix n match editions style with house rules

Favorite movie: There Will Be Blood. Daniel Day-Lewis is the Michael Jordan of actors

Beatles or Stones?: Beatles all day

Waylon or Willie?: Waylon

Scotch or Bourbon? Bourbon. ‘Murica!

Best Season? Fall. For the light jacket styles and the candles

Funniest Person on the Planet? Larry David as long as he is alive.

Spirit Animal: Probably Marc Maron

Worst Interview: That time I accidentally harassed Lauren Alaina about a flubbed National Anthem performance. Sorry Lauren!

Best Concert Memory: Too many…but kissing a stranger at a LaCrosse Center Motley Crue concert in 2005 felt appropriate for the vibe. When in Rome, ya know?

Hobbies: Collecting Vinyl records and figuring out how I’ll eat because I spent all my money on records. Also Bourbon.

Hidden talent: Talking on the radio. Get it… the talent is still “hidden”

Dog or cat: I’ve entered the realm of Cat Dad. Eddi and Greg are my cat bros. (they are actual blood brothers)

Guilty pleasure: Ken Burns documentaries on PBS and Antiques Road show

If your life had narration, who would be the voice: Macho Man Randy Savage... OOooohh YEEEEAaaaahhh!

Hot Take? Comic book universe movies are ruining everything. Also, everyone likes Bro Country after 5 Busch Lattes

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