Arnold Schwazenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger two weeks in a row? The guy still knows how to market himself and in this case he had a documentary about himself released at the same time as his first TV series. Sure, it’s on Netflix but it’s still a series. When I saw this show was on its way I was […]

There is one name that is most synonymous with action movies: Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is usually the first person most people think of when the 80s and explosions on the silver screen are brought up. While Sylvester Stallone and others are definitely icons of action movies in their own right he was the absolute epitome […]

It’s not often we see people take action when something needs to get done. It seems the thought is that famous people do this even less because of their status. Don’t let the haters out there fool you. There are a number of famous people that put in hard, physical labor to get things taken […]

We all love Arnold Schwarzenegger and all the movies and catchphrase he has given us! He recently had heart surgery, but is on the mend now. I guess you can say …. he’ll be back.

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