
Do you hate it when you get up the day after Halloween and someone has smashed pumpkins in the street? Especially when it’s your pumpkins you feel like someone kind of violated your celebrations. What if someone ate your pumpkins instead of smashing them? That’s what someone’s ring camera caught. Only it wasn’t people, but […]

Bears are pretty much everywhere it seems. They are a beautiful animal and can appear to be as huggable as a dog. when you see them from a distance. However, historically they are not an animal you want to try to hug because they might eat you. Trying to get a close up shot of […]

We’ve all had the experience in the tri-states of driving along and having wildlife decide to join us on the road. Whether you’re driving or merely a passenger you’ve felt the suddenness of the brakes being applied and stared hopelessly into the eyes of a woodland creature as it prepares to bounce off your grill […]

My one concern when going out hiking when we went up north was running into wildlife that didn’t want us in their woods. Now, I wasn’t nervous or terrified to go out there, but it was something we all should be aware of when heading out into nature. Bears are always the subject of people […]

OK, let’s all be honest here: if you saw a bear in your backyard and it was taking stabs at your dog you would be distressed. Would you be so upset that you would charge the bear and shove it off a wall? Most likely not. I mean, it’s a freaking bear! In this case […]

Nature is a wonderful, beautiful thing. We live in it regardless of whether you’re in a big city or a house in the country. There are times when we take advantage of it and sometimes where it forces us to take notice of it. It’s nice to see people stopped and let her get them […]

Guy is just trying to nap by the pool and this bear wakes him up. Must have wanted to ask permission before he just jumped in.

We have seen many videos over the years of animals a little stuck. It may start off as kind of cute, but you quickly realize it’s a bad situation in the end. In the following video you almost are glad the bear is where it is so it can’t fight or hurt anyone. Kudos to […]

Did he need to do some shopping? Did he need a new sweater? An Orange Julius? Maybe he was just wondering where all the campers were. “Noodles” the bear may have just been bored.

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