
One of the most reported and talked about thefts is stolen cars. People leave their keys in them and someone drives off with it, they get hot wired, or maybe they just tow them away. It has even been made the plot of many a movie and TV show. Usually a chase ensues at some […]

In the “Most Wisconsin News Ever” out of Eau Claire comes a story of a drive by cheesing. A driver called in that they were being chased by another car that eventually caught up to them. When they did they threw cheese at their car. The victim had no idea why it happened and no […]

My dog loves to jump into the truck or car. He loves it so much that he tries it with anyone that pulls up and and doesn’t shut their door fast enough. You just tell him to get out and he does. A woman in England didn’t have it so easy when a rooster decided […]

As parents we go through rights of passage just like our kids. When they hit a life milestone we also hit one as an adult. For instance, their first steps become us watching our first child take their first steps. When they play a sport, pick up an instrument, go on a date, or graduate […]

There are a bunch of ways to go viral. Maybe you have a funny or helpful video series that people subscribe to. They go there for your fun or informational stories that get them through their day. Imagine while already doing your viral thing a more viral thing happens to you. This sewing vlog got […]

This is one of those moments where someone was in the right place at the right time. In the video a woman is seen getting into her car. For whatever reason she loses track of the stroller that a baby is in and it starts to roll towards traffic. What happens next takes seconds, but […]

Nature has it’s moments of pure joy and beauty. Times where we see it in action and realize that without its natural course that the world would be in a bad place. Nature can also be brutally frightening and catch us off guard. Yup, animals attack other animals and not every cuddly creature makes it. […]

It’s always great when our food delivery shows up on time. We get our delicious meal still hot and tasty and we gladly pay the delivery person and give them a nice tip. In a recent video a pizza delivery driver delivered a bit more than a hot pie and some garlic bread. He delivered […]

You ever have that moment where you find something that doesn’t belong to you? You wrack your brain to figure out how you got it and then remember the person stopped at your house for a visit or you picked it up by accident when you went to their house. It happens! What’s the weirdest […]

We have all seen videos of car accidents that shock or horrify us. Some that make you wonder how someone survived and others that make you shake your head in disbelief over how dumb someone can be. This one is so crazy it borders on being almost impressive to a degree. Take a look and […]

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