
I’ve seen numerous videos of people losing a tire and it being caught on camera from security cameras or dash cams. Usually, it bounces into a building or parked car. Damage is most times minimal. There are cases where that tire goes flying and smashes property or hits a moving vehicle and causes major damage […]

There are many honors out there for people of all skills and talents. We know some as they are pretty much at the forefront due to them being a Hall of Fame for their respective area. One that many might not be aware of is the National Inventors Hall of Fame and I think the […]

I love it when people put extra work into their decorating. Not obnoxious measures, but that little more that makes it special, funny, spectacular. Jeffery the Snowman in Milltown, Wisconsin is gigantic! People are driving from all over to get pictures with him. The cool (pun intended) thing is that it is also a fundraiser. […]

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