
Global warming! Peace in the Middle East! Human rights! There always seems to be a reason someone does a stunt for a bit of attention. Some are good and some are bad. It seems almost odd that someone does something for no reason at all. Alex Tominsky from Philadelphia decided to eat 40 rotisserie chickens […]

I have my personal pet peeves when it comes to eating with number 6 on this list being the top one. Not all of these are that bad. Such as, number 5 if you do it in a non-sloppy manner, but when out dining at a highfalutin restaurant having a fancy meal maybe just don’t […]

Kids say the darnedest things and they do the darnedest things as well. This little girl at Disney World wasn’t having anything to do with Snow White who was doing her best to get a smile. Of course this has gone viral even getting a segment on the Today Show.

The world will still get to enjoy the tradition of watching the Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest this Fourth of July holiday. The hot dog eating contest usually takes place on Coney Island’s Surf and Stillwell avenues, but this year’s event will be held at a private location in the neighborhood. According to […]

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