
It sometimes seems like the organizations that we’ve belonged to aren’t around as much as they used to be. While some clubs may have disappeared altogether some like the scouting organization are strong as ever. Clubs associated with rural growth and activities like 4-H may not be as strong as they used to be, but […]

There are many honors out there for people of all skills and talents. We know some as they are pretty much at the forefront due to them being a Hall of Fame for their respective area. One that many might not be aware of is the National Inventors Hall of Fame and I think the […]

The Earth will always be undefeated in the end. Can you imagine hearing a sound like thunder and going outside to see most of your land missing? What do you do other than run away? You can’t stop it. Who do you even call, a geologist? Luckily this sinkhole formed far enough away from the […]

This time of year we know our farmers are very busy. New animals, tuning up and repairing equipment, prepping and planting fields all take a lot of time and hard work. As I say, “Farming isn’t a job, it’s a lifestyle.” You’ll often hear me say to you to give them some room and patience […]

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