
Every time you see a show with a ship in it the seas are usually calm and the passengers are having a lovely time drifting along. When you see a show with rough seas they usually have a shot of the bow breaking under and over the waves with the crew seeming to move with […]

This time of year there are a few things we’re reminded of weather-wise: slow down in bad weather, make sure your cell phone is charged, wear a warm coat, and stay off the ice when it’s not safe. Every year you see a picture or news story of someone going through the ice with a […]

We live in an area where outdoors living is a way of life. Hunting, fishing, riding trails are all part of people’s lives in one way or another. I have friends where their pastime of food gathering is like a second job to them, but without the stress. We’ve had bass tournaments in this area […]

Australia is an interesting place. Interesting in that it has the entire spectrum of amazingly beautiful things to terrifyingly nightmarish things. It truly is a place of wonder and horror. It’s interesting that this guy was trapped by maybe the least surprising of terrifying animals in the wilderness of Australia. Now, it may have been […]

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