
People are intrigued. Apparently before the Super Bowl played a few weeks ago the folks in Germany had their own event just before game time. There was a game of football played on ice. There were yard lines and end zones clearly marked and even fully lighted goal posts. The fun part is that they […]

In the 1990’s the TV viewing audience was craving something new. The interest in sports was waning a bit as Monday Night Football wasn’t ruling the airwaves as it had in the past. Game shows were still something you only watched if you were a stay at home parent or were sick and recovering on […]

Every year we’re warned to stay off the ice until it’s think enough to walk on. One of the things to look for is if the ice appears “black” or you can see through it that it probably isn’t safe to be on. There are rare cases when this isn’t the case and you get […]

I’m no ice fisherman. I’ve tried it a few times, but just don’t find the joy in it that others gladly do. Not enough action for me I guess. However, I appreciate the solemn meditation that can be had while getting in some fishing either alone or with friends. This attraction might get me out […]

When there is a call for help there is more than just one type of rescue service called out for at times. Time can be of the essence and many hands make short work. Recently in Barron, Wisconsin officers and others were trying to find a snowmobiler that had broken through the ice. As they […]

Some moments that are actually pretty ordinary seem to encapsulate other moments in their similarities. When we have a bad day or a rough week at work we lean on the fact that it’s Friday and when something goes wrong we can say, “Thank God it’s Friday!” Or perhaps someone points out with a meme […]

In the mid-west when things get cold there are 2 types of people: those that complain and those that put it to good use! We have so many activities we can do when the temperature makes your face hurt. From just going out sledding or skiing to snowmobiling and snowshoeing there is a lot of […]

I guess if today has to be Monday then at least it’s a Monday worth celebrating. I mean, work was crappy, there’s snow everywhere, we still need to social distance, and someone at the office got under your skin (even if you work from home). So why not have a bit of summer when you […]

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