
The news has been splattered with new schools and what they should be named or school name changes over the years. Some is due to controversy and some is due to wanting to honor someone that deserves it. Usually the name is a famous person from the state or town they’re in or a person […]

There are stories out there of people finding a new path to success. Stories of those that had to work extra hard to get there even when it felt like everything was against them. That’s what makes it satisfying when you hear about someone overcoming the roadblocks in front of them and getting to their […]

A janitor in Clearwater Beach, Florida, is literally turning people’s heads with his new mode of transportation, which he calls his “blue collar limousine.” Brian Edward Kahrs’ new viral vehicle is actually pretty simple, consisting of just a mop bucket, an umbrella and a leaf blower. For the “blue collar limousine” to work, Brian sits […]

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