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Kids are embarrassed by or scared to do some of the simplest things at times. No matter how small a task or it doesn’t draw attention to them they will suddenly not want to do it. Asking questions that make people uncomfortable though never seems to be out of bounds. Sometimes they ask you something […]

We all have stresses in our life whether it has to do with school, work, kids, parents, or any other situation you can think of. Sometimes we get nervous about our day and just need some help coping or getting through those moments. Over the years there have been several ways for people to non-medicinally […]

I wish every story I shared on here was sunshine and roses. That it will always make you laugh or feel a little shocked or bring a tear to your eye in the best way possible. However, today that is not the case. Today my guess is that you will be angry, as angry as […]

When we grow older we learn two things when it comes to competition: be a good sport and always be humble. When you’re a kid though you can still have unmitigated moments of pure joy that no one can fault you for. thi sis one of those times.

All experiments have a level of risk. Would we know about electricity if Benjamin Franklin hadn’t put a key on a kite during a lightning storm? OK, we would by now, but you know what I mean. This young man made Christmas one to remember! That picture of him hiking up his jammy pants with […]

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