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Some actors simply talk about the help they give to need countries either through donations or awareness. Ashley Judd travels there and does what she can to help. Her recent trip to the Congo in Africa turned out to be a harrowing experience as she broke her leg and endured a 55 hour trip to […]
Listen kids, way before you were putting up memes on the internet in response to posts with Sponge Bob, The Office, or the most current Marvel movie we used to do it basically in real life conversation. It was called “quoting” and we used it in conversation. We quoted famous, and not so famous lines […]
Remember last week when I shared that truck near Milwaukee flying off the overpass? Well, a Minnesota driver almost copied that same situation only they would have landed in the Minnesota River. Luckily some fast thinking motorists stopped and helped get the driver out of their precarious position dangling on the edge of the bridge […]
Whether you’re working or have the day off, here are some facts about President’s Day to show your vast knowledge of all things Presidential! The only president to be unanimously elected was George Washington (1732-1799). He also refused to accept his presidential salary, which was $25,000 a year Grover Cleveland was the only president in […]
As some may be wondering: did Tony get that 2nd shot yet? The answer is: yes I got it a week ago on Friday. I once again want to state that I am a volunteer EMT and considered a frontline worker, so that’s why I was able to get vaccinated. Some people have asked me […]
Terrible to see the images coming from Fort Worth, TX today. There was a pileup due to icy conditions on the highway which involved at least 100 vehicles. Several people were trapped and sadly 5 people lost their lives. It’s not a story we think to hear from a southern state, but with low temperatures […]
Technology is great and it helps us connect in so many ways that at one time seemed like science fiction. If the pandemic did anything it caused social media and video conference services to grow exponentially in the last year. Wish I had bought stock in Zoom last March! Sometimes, as seems to happen at […]
Straight out of the book of “Holy *bleep*!” here is video of a truck going right off the freeway in Milwaukee. The truck lost control and hit the snow bank and barrier wall and sailed off the overpass and then landed on the road below. The best news is the person survived! Amazing video!
Kevin Harlan is one of the best voices in sports broadcasting. He has called countless big games, and has a terrific sense of humor and timing. During the Super Bowl a man decided to run the field. We only got a brief view of the guy on the TV screen as he ran through the […]
The Super Bowl always has it’s moments. Whether your favorite Star Spangled Banner version was Whitney Houston or Luke Bryan or your favorite commercial of all time was Apple Computers 1984 or the Budweiser Clydesdales yearly showing there is always something to talk about. Oh, there is a game played too. This year has it’s […]