
Something we don’t have to deal with in the tristates is Hurricane Season. That is reserved for the southeast portion of the country with the east coast at times threatened. The bulk of the season with the best chance for hurricanes is from August to October, but it actually starts in June. These hurricanes are […]

Bears are pretty much everywhere it seems. They are a beautiful animal and can appear to be as huggable as a dog. when you see them from a distance. However, historically they are not an animal you want to try to hug because they might eat you. Trying to get a close up shot of […]

Grilling season is upon us! Even though I grill year-round outside I do it even more in the summer to save on heating up the house. I love the flavor the grill gives my food. In Mexico, they have their 2nd Annual Hamburger Festival and made one big burger! The total weight came in at […]

The Earth will always be undefeated in the end. Can you imagine hearing a sound like thunder and going outside to see most of your land missing? What do you do other than run away? You can’t stop it. Who do you even call, a geologist? Luckily this sinkhole formed far enough away from the […]

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