
… Do they really appreciate that it’s done for the year? And that’s the bottom line.

To say Vincent Dransfield is defying aging is a bit of an understatement. I’ve seen people much younger than him look like and act like they should be 109 years old (he had a birthday in March). But here he is still driving, has a sharp wit, and even helps with the fire department he […]

If it hasn’t already hit your feeds it will soon and it’s not something new. “Pilk” is making another round of social media following the “dirty soda” trend of mixing milk, creme, and other syrups with pop. Some combinations sound weird, but are actually quite good. The cola and milk mix was even popular on […]

Whether you sip, drink, or chug it, it’s hard to beat a big glass of chocolate milk. Throughout this Halloween season, 73rd Alice in Dairyland Julia Nunes will be sharing ways to celebrate with chocolate milk recipes and container craft ideas. “Chocolate milk is a great snack idea, but it is also a great idea […]

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